We are simply Christians because we believe in Jesus Christ who died to give us eternal life. This means to be saved from eternal punishment after death, but this also encourages us to live for Him who died for us daily.
We believe in the Bible as God's own word, not as a philosophy for good life but as God's special message and revelation of himself towards us - and towards all men. His words are timeless, therefore so is our desire to live accordingly.
We know that we still have our faults and mistakes; but we also know that God loves us nevertheless. Because of His unfailing love we want to share His message with people around us and bear witness of His action in our lives. But to believe is a personal matter.
Most of us moved to the Ingolstadt area some time ago and started meeting in small groups at each others' home. Since 2016 we meet as local assembly in Ingolstadt and would like to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in our area.
We regularly meet in Ingolstadt for Lord's Supper, prayer sessions and Bible lectures (address and time see Meetings). But we do not want to promote any special church or denomination: we feel close towards all believers who know Jesus as their personal Lord and saviour.